Backend selection and use

tslearn proposes different backends (NumPy and PyTorch) to compute time series metrics such as DTW and Soft-DTW. The PyTorch backend can be used to compute gradients of metric functions thanks to automatic differentiation.

Backend selection

A backend can be instantiated using the function instantiate_backend. To specify which backend should be instantiated (NumPy or PyTorch), this function accepts four different kind of input parameters:

  • a string equal to "numpy" or "pytorch".

  • a NumPy array or a Torch tensor.

  • a Backend instance. The input backend is then returned.

  • None or anything else than mentioned previously. The backend NumPy is then instantiated.


If the input is the string "numpy", the NumPyBackend is instantiated.

>>> from tslearn.backend import instantiate_backend
>>> be = instantiate_backend("numpy")
>>> print(be.backend_string)

If the input is the string "pytorch", the PyTorchBackend is instantiated.

>>> be = instantiate_backend("pytorch")
>>> print(be.backend_string)

If the input is a NumPy array, the NumPyBackend is instantiated.

>>> import numpy as np
>>> be = instantiate_backend(np.array([0]))
>>> print(be.backend_string)

If the input is a Torch tensor, the PyTorchBackend is instantiated.

>>> import torch
>>> be = instantiate_backend(torch.tensor([0]))
>>> print(be.backend_string)

If the input is a Backend instance, the input backend is returned.

>>> print(be.backend_string)
>>> be = instantiate_backend(be)
>>> print(be.backend_string)

If the input is None, the NumPyBackend is instantiated.

>>> be = instantiate_backend(None)
>>> print(be.backend_string)

If the input is anything else, the NumPyBackend is instantiated.

>>> be = instantiate_backend("Hello, World!")
>>> print(be.backend_string)

The function instantiate_backend accepts any number of input parameters, including zero. To select which backend should be instantiated (NumPy or PyTorch), a for loop is performed on the inputs until a backend is selected.

>>> be = instantiate_backend(1, None, "Hello, World!", torch.tensor([0]), "numpy")
>>> print(be.backend_string)

If none of the inputs are related to NumPy or PyTorch, the NumPyBackend is instantiated.

>>> be = instantiate_backend(1, None, "Hello, World!")
>>> print(be.backend_string)

Use the backends

The names of the attributes and methods of the backends are inspired by the NumPy backend.


Create backend objects.

>>> be = instantiate_backend("pytorch")
>>> mat = be.array([[0 , 1], [2, 3]], dtype=float)
>>> print(mat)
tensor([[0., 1.],
        [2., 3.]], dtype=torch.float64)

Use backend functions.

>>> norm = be.linalg.norm(mat)
>>> print(norm)
tensor(3.7417, dtype=torch.float64)

Choose the backend used by metric functions

tslearn’s metric functions have an optional input parameter “be” to specify the backend to use to compute the metric.


>>> import torch
>>> from tslearn.metrics import dtw
>>> s1 = torch.tensor([[1.0], [2.0], [3.0]], requires_grad=True)
>>> s2 = torch.tensor([[3.0], [4.0], [-3.0]])
>>> sim = dtw(s1, s2, be="pytorch")
>>> print(sim)
sim tensor(6.4807, grad_fn=<SqrtBackward0>)

By default, the optional input parameter be is equal to None. Note that the first line of the function dtw is:

be = instantiate_backend(be, s1, s2)

Therefore, even if be=None, the PyTorchBackend is instantiated and used to compute the DTW metric since s1 and s2 are Torch tensors.

>>> sim = dtw(s1, s2)
>>> print(sim)
sim tensor(6.4807, grad_fn=<SqrtBackward0>)

Automatic differentiation

The PyTorch backend can be used to compute the gradients of the metric functions thanks to automatic differentiation.


Compute the gradient of the Dynamic Time Warping similarity measure.

>>> s1 = torch.tensor([[1.0], [2.0], [3.0]], requires_grad=True)
>>> s2 = torch.tensor([[3.0], [4.0], [-3.0]])
>>> sim = dtw(s1, s2, be="pytorch")
>>> sim.backward()
>>> d_s1 = s1.grad
>>> print(d_s1)
        [ 0.7715]])

Compute the gradient of the Soft-DTW similarity measure.

>>> from tslearn.metrics import soft_dtw
>>> ts1 = torch.tensor([[1.0], [2.0], [3.0]], requires_grad=True)
>>> ts2 = torch.tensor([[3.0], [4.0], [-3.0]])
>>> sim = soft_dtw(ts1, ts2, gamma=1.0, be="pytorch", compute_with_backend=True)
>>> print(sim)
tensor(41.1876, dtype=torch.float64, grad_fn=<SelectBackward0>)
>>> sim.backward()
>>> d_ts1 = ts1.grad
>>> print(d_ts1)